- 40 programming puzzles designed to illuminate powerful C++ features, techniques, and design principles.
- Contains extensive new coverage of the STL and generic programming.
- Optimization, multiple inheritance, exception safety, generic programming, memory management, and more.
More Exceptional C++ continues where Herb Sutter's best-selling
Exceptional C++ left off, delivering 40 puzzles that illuminate the most challenging -- and most powerful -- aspects of C++.
More Exceptional C++ offers many new puzzles focused on generic programming and the C++ Standard Template Library, including important techniques such as traits and predicates, as well as key considerations in using standard containers and algorithms -- many of them never covered elsewhere.
More Exceptional C++ contains a detailed new section (and two appendices) on optimization in single- and multithreaded environments. It also provides important new insights on crucial topics first introduced in
Exceptional C++, including exception safety, generic programming, and memory management. For all C++ programmers.
Herb Sutter is an independent consultant, secretary of the ISO/ANSI C++ standards committee, and an invited speaker at technical conferences throughout the world. He is author of the popular Guru of the Week puzzles read by thousands of programmers on the Internet newsgroup comp.lang.c++.moderated. He brought together many of these puzzles in his previous best-seller, Exceptional C++. Sutter is also a columnist for C/C++ User's Journal, and a member of its editorial board.